Commercial vehicles are a common sight on our roads and freeways here in Montana. These vehicles transport goods in and out of our state that are much needed and help keep our economy afloat. However, there are instances in which these vehicles are driven by people who have less experience than the average commercial vehicle driver. This can lead to rash decisions and unwise maneuvers that people the other people on the road at risk. If you or someone you loved was injured or killed by one of these drivers, the Law Firm of needaninjuryattorneymontana.comhas professional and experienced attorneys who are here to help you.
Commercial vehicles can range from smaller transport vehicles to larger 18-wheelers. Whatever the case, these vehicles are owned by large businesses or corporations which are often backed by even larger insurance companies. If you were injured in an accident with one of these vehicles, the insurance company will be quick to send out adjusters to your side to get you to agree to an absurdly low number. However, please be aware that these insurance companies and their adjusters only have one thing in mind: that is to get you to agree to a low number that will in no way cover all your probably expenses and leave you in a financial situation that could hound you for years.
While the insurance companies only have one focus, the personal injury attorneys at the Law Firm of also have one focus. That focus is you and to get you the best possible outcome for your pain and suffering. Some of the damages we will put forth include:
- Medical bills – These bills can take over your life and lead you down a path of financial ruin. This accident was not your fault and the responsible party should be held culpable for the consequences, including the medical bills incurred because of their mistake.
- Pain and suffering – Although there isn’t a monetary number that can return you to your life before the accident, we will help you get compensation for the pain and suffering you endured because of it.
- Lost wages – If you are hospitalized and you are forced to miss work or even lose your job because of this accident, you should be compensated for the time lost that was through no fault of your own.
This is not a complete list but it helps you realize the kind of damages that you could likely claim. We want to make sure that both you and your family, the innocent victims of this tragic mistake, are taken care of immediately and in the years to come. If you or someone you loved was injured in a collision with a commercial vehicle, the Law Firm of needaninjuryattorneymontana.comis here to help you explore all your legal options. We are located in the city center of Billings but are here to serve the entire state of Montana. Give our friendly and capable offices a call today.