There is no doubt that when a loved one dies unexpectedly and due to an accident, the surviving loved ones find themselves at a loss. It is difficult to know who to turn to during the emotionally trying time in your life and the issue of how and why and who is at fault can no doubt run through your mind until you are mentally and emotionally exhausted. During this time, you are no doubt unsure of what your rights are and how you can and should proceed. The Law Firm of is here to help you answer these questions and to help you explore all your legal options when it comes to a wrongful death suit.
There is no doubt that these suits are the hardest for everyone involved. The loss of a loved one can take a devastating toll on everyone involved and can be the hardest thing for a family to face. There are unexpected medical bills that could potentially be tied to the accident along with funeral and burial costs. This can take an added toll on the surviving members of the family and can only add to the psychological exhaustion that you and your family are experiencing. A range of emotions from grief, to anger, to sadness is also normal and expected. The personal injury attorneys at the Law Firm of are here to help you make sense of this accident and to fight for you when you are at your most vulnerable.
Our personal injury attorneys have the experience, expertise, and compassion that you need in cases like this. We fight to make sure that you are awarded damages based on your loss. Some of the damages that our lawyers often seek are:
- Medical bills tied directly to the accident
- Funeral and burial bills
- Lost wages and benefits that the deceased would have otherwise provided
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of companionship and care
Some of these damages are difficult to quantify but the personal injury attorneys at the Law Firm of will work hard on your behalf to make sure that you are compensated for the loss that you and your family’s loss, especially if it was due to someone’s reckless behavior or mistake. We are here to fight for your rights to be heard and make sure that your voice is heard through the entire process. Our firm strives to make sure that you and your family are economically compensated and legally represented in a fair manner. If you find yourself at a loss as to where to turn to during this time, our firm is here to help you get through this difficult time.
Our offices are located in the heart of Billings but we are proud to serve the great people of Montana. If you need top notch legal representation after the loss of a loved one, we are here to make sure that you get the compensation that you deserve. Give our offices a call today so we can begin to help you rebuild your life